How to make percentage discounts stack after each others?

By default, DiscountYard app calculates discount codes by original subtotal not discounted subtotal. However, If you run 2 percentage discounts, you might want to apply the discounts after each other to get a lesser total discount value.

Let’s assume that there is a product on customer’s cart that is worth $100, and there are two discount codes 20% OFF and 10% OFF.

The combined discount value will be as follows:

- Case #1: The discount codes are not entitled to specific products but to "All products":

$100 - ($100 x (20% + 10%)) = $70

- Case #2: The discount codes are entitled to specific products or collection:

$100 - ($100 x 20%) = $80

$80 - ($80 x 10%) = $72

Case #2 is the recommended way as it results in less discount value - increases AOV "Average order value".

Note: You can still entitled you discount code to all products by creating a smart collection containing ALL your products and entitle the discount codes to it.


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