What makes DiscountYard a must-have app on your Shopify store!
One of the biggest problems in Shopify most merchants suffer from is its restrictions on discount codes and automatic discounts. Your customer can’t use more than one discount on one order.
In this article, we will show you how DiscountYard can solve this problem and increase your CONVERSION RATE.
Offering discounts on purchases is a way to quickly draw people into your store. Right?
But the real problem appears when a customer has more than one discount code and can only use one code at a time.
Let’s assume that a customer of yours has a normal off discount code and a free shipping code. He/she will definitely be upset to use only one discount code and not both in the same order.
DiscountYard brought you the solution by stacking different discount codes together (such as automatic discount, normal discount code, free shipping discount, buy X get Y codes) as much as you allow your customers to do.
It also allows you to run multiple automatic discounts at once to different products/collections and customers will see how much they are saving before getting to the checkout.
So, what services does DiscountYard provide?
Multiple Automatic Discounts
It’s good to have an automatic discount, but it’s much better to have one more than one automatic discount that can be applied to different products/collections .
Unfortunately, Shopify by default only supports one discount at any time, whether it's a discount code or automatic discount.
Luckily, DiscountYard allows you to run multiple automatic promotions at once by applying discount codes automatically to a customer's cart. Providing this option to customers will increase their tendency to buy from your store, increase their loyalty, and increase your conversion.
Stack Discount Codes
DiscountYard doesn’t only support multiple automatic discounts, It also allow customers to stack their discount codes together. Example: $10 off winter sale and a loyalty code at one order
Discount field on cart
We believe that the inability to find the discount code box in cart may increase cart abandonment rate.
This is why we provide a discount field on the cart before the checkout; to enable your customers to know how much they are saving before getting to the checkout.
This small improvement will increase customer satisfaction and improve user experience, which will lower the cart abandonment rate and generate greater sales in your store.
Let’s go back a step, how many discount codes are your customers allowed to stack?
DiscountYard gives you full control over your discounts and how customers can use them.
You can set a maximum limit to how many codes can be used together at one order, which codes can be used together. In addition to setting a maximum discount value customers cannot exceed at one order.
So for now, let’s talk money!
Conversion Rate
What makes an online shopper buy? It’s either the reputation, quality, or attractive discounts.
This is what DiscountYard is all about; combining discount codes and providing multiple automatic discounts to increase your Conversion Rate at the end of the day. According to the statistics from March 2018, 53.8 percent of internet users aged 18 to 29 said discounts and coupons were a very important factor in their overall digital purchase choice.
We are not finished yet!
DiscountYard Bonus Features:
Add manual discount code on top of Shopify automatic discount.
Add discount field to cart page and drawer.
Real-time discount calculation.
Tune the discount field design and text labels directly from the admin panel.
Supports automatic and bulk discounts generated by 3rd party apps.
Supports discount shareable link - The discount code associated with the link applies automatically.
Stack discount codes, discounts field on cart, combine discount codes, run multiple automatic discounts and more!