CreditsYard - Store Credit
CreditsYard is a must-have store credit management system that helps you build brand loyalty and turn returns into repurchases by keeping the cash in store and issuing store credit to customers.
How to Create a Successful Referral Marketing Strategy
Those in charge of e-commerce marketing have restless nights worrying about gaining new clients. It may be done in a variety of methods, including sponsored marketing, SEO, and client referrals. Partnership programs, MLM (Multi-level Marketing), viral marketing, buzz marketing, and referral marketing may all be used to reactivate current clients. We'll familiarize you as a reader with the last one because it's a relatively new occurrence.
What pushes your customers to refer a friend?
Referring a friend to a business or a product carries with it a certain amount of obligation. Can they put their faith in you? What if they don't like it? What if what you propose doesn't have the same good result for them as it did for you?
ReferralYard vs. Talkable
ReferralYard is a solid Talkable alternative, providing everything you’ll need for acquiring high-value clients at a low cost, increasing retention, and growing revenue through a targeted referral program.